Monday, October 28, 2013

I Don't Do Random . . . . Well

5th Week of October

There are lots of things "in progress" with the house.  Every day we are not quite sure what we will find accomplished.  We try very hard not to second guess the logic of the day-to-day activities.  At a glance progress seems a bit random.  Things we think will happen do not, but we find other things we were not expecting to be done.

After weeks of thinking "any day now", today, finally, the Gas Company's crew showed up to install the underground gas line, to connect from the street to the house.
28 October 2013 - start-up in the morning
I started our application for gas service with Washington Gas about six months ago.  At the time I thought I was being a bit premature; little did I know how long it would take.  Haha - I guess the laugh is on me.  But as with many of our hurdles on this project, patience and perseverance have won out.  They even managed to find a path between the trees!

28 October 2013 - end of day, and the gas line is in
Our Builder manages to sneak in comments every other day, with regard to waiting for something to occur that is holding him up for some particular work effort.  Final grading around the front of the house cannot proceed until the gas line is installed.  And the sidewalk cannot be installed until the final grading is done. And so on.

Meanwhile there are plenty of things left to be done, inside as well as out.  The interior railings arrived on Friday, and we were told that stair railing work would begin today. Contrary to that, you might notice in the picture above some posts above the front entry.  They worked on these exterior railings instead today.

Stairway - 26 October 2013
The base trim has been completed at the stairs, but an opening on the side wall between the stair alcove and the hallway has still not been cut out.  We asked for this "cut out" about 3 weeks ago.  The Builder assures us he has not forgotten.  I think they try to find a day's worth of tasks for particular trades, and such a collection of tasks has not yet warranted this little bit of work.

From Stairs, looking toward Fireplace
And we have not spoken of the fireplace!  Probably one of the last elements to be constructed.  The wood framing above frames the space that will be our stone fireplace.  We have had some discussions with the Builder as to the type of fireplace, how best to route the flue, whether or not to have a raised hearth.  The fireplace unit has been ordered and should arrive within a week.

We thought we would see much more tile work done today.  Instead we only saw a bit more tile installed in the 3rd Bathroom.  We also thought the cabinets in that bathroom would be installed, but not yet.  All of a sudden we noticed light switches and wall receptacles, installed in all the rooms on the first floor!  Another surprise.  We did not expect any of the lights to turn on, but Steve flipped a few switches and we found that two of the downlights in the Living Room came on.

We have lights!
Thus every day seems to bring advancement - we just cannot know for sure exactly what until we see for ourselves.  .  .  Maybe tomorrow, if our luck holds out, we will see the crew arrive to start digging up our septic field.  Their equipment has been sitting in the front yard since Thursday.  Our last "utility"!

This week's weather is predicted to be in the 60's every day.  This might be the best (and last?) good opportunity for earthwork.

P.S.  I love having an excuse NOT to rake this season! :o)

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