Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Trim Fit

1st Week of September

Material is starting to arrive. The garage is the delivery point and staging area. Right now we have a lot of exterior trim board material stacked up just outside the garage, with the basement stairs, exterior doors, piping, and plumbing fixtures sitting inside the garage.

Stacked exterior trim boards
boxed Plumbing fixtures

Front doors!
 But the material does not sit around for very long.  Most of the exterior doors have now been installed.

Rear door & most of the window trim
And the last of the windows have been installed as well.  This included a couple of octagonal windows - one on the west side of the house and one on the east side of the house.

More ductwork is upstairs.  A lot of the ducts are installed, as well as most of the plumbing.  Today Steve and I spent four hours at a tile store making final selections for all the bathrooms.  Tomorrow we meet with the plumber to set faucet locations.  So progress is being made on many fronts. 

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