Sunday, November 10, 2013

Taking a Break

10 November 2013 - Veterans Day

Some of you know that Lauren, Katherine, Carol and I ran a race in September.  Lauren, Katherine, and Katherine's friend Liz, ran a half marathon!  Carol and I ran a 5-mile course.  Training for that race took a few months.  We all enjoyed the accomplishment, even though finding the time to adequately train was a real challenge for all of us.  Feeling like we were in reasonably good shape, Lauren started looking for another race we could run.

She found a 10K (6.2 miles) Veterans Day run that was the same general course as the September race. This time we got Steve and Alex to agree to run as well!  Somehow training for this race proved to be challenging for all of us, for lots of different reasons.  But we all showed up, we all ran, and we all finished!  It is probably the farthest Alex and I have ever run, and Steve hadn't run that distance in many years.  Even more amazing, Steve only arrived home Saturday night after spending 16 hours en route home from Germany.  Needless to say, there was a bit of jet lag going on.

Lauren's time averaged 8.18 minute miles!!!!! Steve ran with me until the last quarter-mile, so his time wasn't much better than mine.  But I was very happy to average 10.10 minute miles.  And I was delighted that Alex finished, given that he did not train at all.

Once again we lucked out with the weather.  The early morning was chilly, in the 40's, but the sun felt good, and by the end of the race it was well into the 50's.

Reflecting Pool on the Mall
Break's over!  Back to the house.

Footnote:  The five of us are talking about doing another run in December - "Jingle All the Way 8K", in downtown DC!

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