Saturday, November 9, 2013

Beating the Path, Again!

1st Week of November

Starting to move back - boxes in the Basement
It was Deja Vu for me today, only backwards.  I asked our Builder if it would be okay to start moving boxes into the Basement of our house, and he said yes!  (The Basement is done, except for some utility hook-up work.)  He asked that we stack in the northwest corner.  Lauren and Alex helped me - thanks, guys.  Once again the 4Runner was put to good use.  We were able to fit about 12 boxes into the car at a time.  We made about eight runs, and made a good dent in all the boxes currently being stored in the basement of our rental house.  The "pile" grew pretty quickly.  Most of the boxes we moved were taken out of the basement of the old house, and will hang out in the new basement for a while until we can figure out where we want to store certain things.  We also moved some shelves and cabinets, and lots of shelving brackets.  Of course, Lauren and Alex suggest that several items should NOT be moved back to the house, like old computers.  We shall see ;o)

I also cleaned all of the bedroom ceiling fans, brought them over and placed them in each of their respective rooms.  The Builder said they will install them for us!

It may only be a start, but it feels like the beginning of the end of construction.

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