Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Water Table

1st Week of October

What is a "water table" you ask?  I have actually had a few people ask me this question, so I will tell you.  In architectural terms a water table is a masonry feature on the exterior of a building that typically projects out from the face of the house.  The intent of a water table is to defect water away from the lower level of the house.  The water table is always at the base of a wall, and can serve as a transition between materials. Over time this element of a house has become partially decorative as well.  The extent of water tables can vary, but they typically stop at either the first floor line of a house, or just below the windows; both of these locations are good places to provide flashing along with a change of materials.
Stonework begins at the lower level of the main house
The water table portion of the stonework wraps around all sides of the garage and the stoop of the secondary entry to the house.

The rear of the Garage, with the mason at work

Stone work around the Garage
The stone work is done at the Garage, literally stopping at the windows.  The entire front Facade of the house however will be stone!  

There is to be a precast masonry "cap" piece at the top of the water table level.  It has not arrived on site yet, although the builder says it should be here any day.  I hope so, because the mason is ready for it.  As the pictures show, in one week all the "water table" stone work has been completed.  Hopefully the cap pieces will arrive on Monday, because until they do the mason cannot proceed.

Stone work on the front Facade, completed up to the window sill line
Footnote:  The mason is doing a terrific job, taking his time, fitting the stones well, balancing color and size distribution.  He is a true craftsman, something you rarely see in construction any more.  We are lucky to have someone who really seems to know what he is doing.

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